A downloadable game for Windows

This game is about collecting treasure from chests in the provided 5 min. Your job is to search the castle maze for 5 min trying to find all 7 chests and to interact with them opening them. There are obstacles in the forms of crates that have been left behind you will have to either go around or jump over. If you collect all 7 within the time limit you will be victorious else you will lose.

Ctrl - Interact with doors or chest

WASD - forward, left, backwards, right
Space - Jump
Escape - Pause

How to install:
Just download the file, extract it, open it then you can run it by clicking on the icon.

Here is some pictures of the game showing off the chests you have to open, the boxes you have to jump over and some of the map

Chest mid opening:

Outside of a house:

Raised section in the map:

Links to Assets used:

https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/427771664586086293/ - Crate

https://www.artstation.com/artwork/WK3ONv - Floor

https://free-texture-site.blogspot.com/2010/10/free-medieval-wall-texture.html - walls

https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.CTe5sdU-7Ew-zA4nVXvLwgHaE8?rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain - walls

https://www.openfootage.net/medieval-walls-texture-pack-ii/ - walls

Coin was drawn in paint same with the buttons

https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/textures-materials/wood/mc-old-wod-free... - chest wood

https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/textures-materials/metals/yughues-free-...  - chest and portcullis metal

https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/vegetation/trees/free-trees-103208 - Tree

 https://uppbeat.io/ - Menu and game music

  - chest open sound

- button press sound

Door sound -

Jump -

Published 20 days ago
Tagsmaze, Short, Singleplayer


Treasure Adventure.zip 164 MB

Install instructions

How to install:

Just download the file, extract it, open it then you can run it by clicking on the icon.

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